San Antonio Community Resource Directory
0.43 miles away, PO Box 65188, San Antonio, TX, 78265 , D1

Freedom Youth Project Foundation is dedicated to bringing clarity to an issue that is characterized by myth and misconception.  

Through our public awareness/ education initiative known as Think Freedom Campaign, we empower youth, parents, and communities through education, training, tools and other content.

Freedom Youth Project Foundation (FYP) was specifically established to research and document treatment protocols that have proven to have positive and repeatable results with American Child-Sex Trafficking victims.

Included in research will be the gathering of information and documentation of best practices in case management, facilities design and management, funding mechanisms, and long-term sustainability.

In short, we want to establish standards-of-care by researching existing treatment protocols and documenting interventions that have positive repeatable results when used for treatment of these kinds of victims.

These standards-of-care, along with best practices, business process, and facilities design data would be made available to other facilities.

Freedom Youth Project aims to become a single-source of information, data and training available to any community or government effort to build a treatment center for victims of Domestic Minor Sex-Trafficking. 

FYP is stake-holding with businesses, medical personnel, universities, and other non-government organizations so that our research and implementation process is well rounded to ensure the greatest success in serving victims. 

Plans are to road-map an actual facility to be called, Freedom Youth Center/Texas (FYC) to be located in San Antonio, TX. to serve as a regional facility for DMST (Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking) victims from central and south Texas. FYC/Texas would operate as a separate 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

Going forward, Freedom Youth Project Foundation will provide training and support, or other initiatives to provide services to Domestic Minor Sex-Trafficking (DMST) victims.

0.43 miles away, PO Box 65188, San Antonio, TX, 78265 , D1

Help End Modern Day Slavery by Joining our Team

Trafficking Cannot Be Combated Successfully Until Parents and Youth
JOIN THE CAUSE. Trafficking is not the kind of issue where parents can rely on law enforcement to keep their children safe. Parents and youth must be part of the solution.

Learn how easy it is to Volunteer with FYP from any location in the world as long as you have an internet connection.

Click here to Volunteer

Click here to Donate

Please get involved and share to end Human Trafficking

Updated within the last 1 month.
0.43 miles away, PO Box 65188, San Antonio, TX, 78265 , D1

Are you part of a church, school, business, or civic organization that would like to hear us speak? We are continually searching for opportunities to speak to people about the alarming rates of human trafficking in America and the mission and vision of the Freedom Youth Project.

Our goal is to educate interested persons and groups on the issue of human trafficking in America and provide training for parents, grandparents, children, and teens on how to keep their families safe from predators targeting America's youth.

Our information includes informing audiences on:

  • Statistics and information on who is being trafficked in America 
  • How predators and traffickers reach children and teens
  • How predators get children to trust them like the closest of friends
  • How online predators manipulate children with an irresistible offer to meet in person
  • Ways predators get children and teens to share personal, private information
  • Dangerous people and places that children and teens need to be aware of for their safety
  • Many other important topics regarding the prevalence and dangers of human trafficking in America today.

We would be honored to speak to your group or organization; If you would like to invite us to speak to your church, school, business, or civic organization, please fill out the form below.

Click here for our Speaker Request Form

Updated within the last 1 month.